Heroes - how you can Contribute…

I have heroes. Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky is one of these. His humble honest leadership and his insistence on putting those people in his charge first, even as he speaks Truth to an unfathomable power that wants him destroyed.

In times like these, we need those who can role model, can provide the example of the nobility in humanity that we should all aspire to.

And we should know that nothing is as simple and black and white as we want it to be. To solve conflict, we have to be able to disagree, have to be able to listen, and have to be able to hear... and we have to put civility and moral authority before the positional authority.

Selensky is not 'commanding his troops' - he is leading them. They are not following him out of fear of him, they are supported by the fact that he is walking along side of them.

If you are in a leadership position - what can you learn from this. Please do so, as we need more examples like Zelensky - we need the examples of YOUR BEST SELF too.

One of the questions for you to consider, however, is ‘what does this type of leadership look like BEFORE it is tested like this?’

As a leader, when you see people in 'your charge' standing up for what it right, do you find yourself getting irritated at the inconvenience of this, the uncomfortable 'fight' you will need to do to support an issue that isn't the largest one on your plate?

Or…do you work to understand the issues that these emerging leaders see, and try to build these emerging leaders?

I've seen many good people who have stood up to ‘petty tyrants’ across numerous industries, only to be told 'back in your box!!' by the system and the 'leaders' that are too scared, tired, or pressured, to build up the good, and deflect the bad for emerging leaders.

How can you help those who work for you (who have the emerging character of leadership like Zelensky is so clearly showing now)? How can you foster leaders at all levels standing up, armed with Truth, to Power - (even if it is your own?)

#insightuflpath; #leadershipdevelopment; #itsnottoolate; #bethechange


Where do I belong?


Unpacking insights in context…